Why BeardBrand Is Leading In The Beard Care Business.
From the age of 19, I’ve always been intrigued about how certain men could grow beards and some couldn’t. I’ve always been able to grow a nice moustache but I constantly sought out ways to promote beard growth; that is when I stumbled upon BeardBrand’s channel on YouTube. At that moment I felt like I had been sucked into a wormhole that I had no intention of coming out of.
I would spend 3 hours at a time binge-watching self care videos on their channel, and I can honestly say that I was left feeling inspired. As a now self-proclaimed BeardBrand connoisseur, I will give you 3 reasons why you too, should get to know their brand.
Their Moto: To Make Men Awesome
At BeardBrand, they make it a mission to make every single one of their members feel like they have a massive, kingly beard. It doesn’t matter if your chinstrap doesn’t connect to your goatee or whether your beard is patchy, because they instill a sense of self love within their members.
They expressly display this in their YouTube videos, in which they showcase and honor men of different beard types. I remember first growing my beard out and feeling self-conscious about every little detail. After watching their videos, I felt much more confident because they showcased another man with a beard similar to mine.
Some people value monetary or tangible gifts, but I choose to see this as one that can’t be felt; only experienced. I don’t know about you but I for one, would continually return to a business or establishment that shows me how valued I am.
If you’re looking for a place where you won’t be belittled or shunned but uplifted and appreciated, I highly suggest you check out BeardBrand.
They Provide Valuable Knowledge On Men’s Self Care
If you currently are anywhere near as clueless as I was when I began my beard growth journey, I know you could use some insightful guidance. BeardBrand has a huge library of self-help blog posts and grooming tutorials to guide you on your journey to ultimate beard awesomeness.
A good example of a tutorial they provide, is one they published on how to stimulate growth in areas where there are no hairs. They instruct you to use a boar bristle brush and brush your bare skin for at least ten minutes a day. At first thought you would probably think that would never work but after adopting this technique into my daily routine, I’ve seen amazing results.
Another great blog post they shared was one that was centered around the different stages of beard growth. They mentioned that even though a large majority of men long for a bigger beard, they should appreciate every stage of beard growth because they all come with their own complexities.
As a new beard enthusiast, I really enjoyed their take on this matter because it made me realize that this isn’t just a hobby; it’s a life-long journey.
Not only will you get amazing tips but you’ll receive daily additional tips via email campaigns. If that doesn’t excite you even more, they also provide private consultation services for you to benefit from. No matter what or who we are, learning something new every single day is a goal that we should all aim to achieve.
I wouldn’t have the vast knowledge I have now if it wasn’t for BeardBrand and since we’re friends now, I hope you consider giving them a chance.
They Make You Feel Like A Member Of Their Family
This couldn’t describe BeardBrand any more accurately: A family. Not only do they instill valuable knowledge into you, they also take you on their own personal journey as well. I can vividly remember a time when Eric Bandholz (BeardBrand’s founder), opened up about the hardships his spouse and him were dealing with.
The response from his supporters was truly overwhelming. The comment section under his YouTube video was filled with kind remarks and encouragement. Not only does BeardBrand send positive energy to its supporters but the feeling is reciprocated through constant positivity from members.
I’m a strong believer of treating others the way you’d want to be treated and BeardBrand does just that.
It made me realize that BeardBrand wasn’t just a place that sold you things, but a place of refuge in moments of great doubt. We are all going through this thing called life so it’s refreshing to know that you’re not alone.
We can all pretend that acceptance isn’t something we all chase but one thing I know is, BeardBrand is a place where you’ll never feel left out.
In Conclusion
No matter what stage you are in life, young or old; never hesitate to seek knowledge or advice. I hope this didn’t sound like a sales pitch, but more of a push to become part of a family that will leave you eternally impacted for the better.