This is me, this is my story.
As far as i can remember, I’ve always had this undying inquisitiveness about myself. Growing up in the privileged neighborhoods of Lomé, Togo, I was that child who had everything handed to him. Despite living in complete luxury, I never enjoyed the limited lifestyle I was forced to live. I was never allowed to hang out with friends, nor have any social interaction. This had in a way, hindered my personal development. Most people would see this as a disadvantage, but I choose to look at everything in my life has a great opportunity to learn. This allowed me to make an amazing best friend, which happens to be, myself.
As narcissistic as this may sound, this is what helped me survive the traiterous neighborhoods of Baltimore, Maryland. My parents had ended up getting a divorce just as I turned seven years old. This sent my world into an uncontrollable spiral. One moment I was living comfortably in a two-parent household in Africa, and the next I found myself living in a single-bedroom apartment with my mother and three brothers in the United States. After her divorce from my father, my mother won a Visa to the United States, which is where my story truly began.
Adjusting to my new “normal” was difficult to say the least, but my imagination became my escape. This allowed me to tap into different areas of art throughout my middle school to high school years. It was in the eleventh grade that I discovered my love for photography. This led me to pursue it as a full-time career over going to college. I never believed in a one-size-fits-all approach to life. I have been a full-time wedding photographer now for over four years, and I can honestly say that it has been the best decision I’ve made. It taught me the value of self-disciple, tenacity, and to never give up on myself no matter how hard things got. These qualities are what I believe will help me throughout my journey with Praxis. Being self-motivated, and willing to take initiative are skills I work on mastering each and every day. Cheers to a new beginning!