I Designed Landing Pages For PetSmart
Growing up, my first encounter with a dog was with my family dog, Tuscany. Tuscany was a loving and protective German Shepherd that taught me how to communicate with dogs. Communicating with a dog is an instinctual language that can only be shared between a trusting dog and caring human.
Since then, I’ve been fascinated with their behavior and origin. Being so fascinated with dogs prompted me to use PetSmart as part today’s presentation on landing page design.
After doing my research on PetSmart’s website, I noticed that their shipping FAQ section and About pages needed a whole new look. This presentation will be a demonstration on my entire thought process on why and how I redesigned both pages for PetSmart.
The FAQ Page
As you can clearly see, their FAQ section is jam-packed with paragraphs. At first glance, anyone that looks at this page would be overwhelmed. The page is 90% words and 10% gray space. This gives the page an outdated, stuck-in-time look.
The average consumer wants an easy, smooth experience and presentation is a very important variable. Think of a landing page as product placement. If the landing page above was the only page you could show your customers; do you think they would stick around and purchase from your website? The answer may be subjective but I can guarantee you that most people would exit the website as fast as they came in.
I gave their FAQ landing page a facelift. My goal was to create a minimal, modern and easy-to-read interface while staying true to their original color scheme. The year is 2020 and I believe everything should be overhauled to keep up with the ever-expanding demand for improvement.
Every piece of this design was created in WIX’s site creator. The overall experience was very straight-forward and intuitive.
As mentioned above, the original landing page was overwhelming so I utilized a more simplified approach by enlarging the heading of each section and creating a clear distinction between the heading and description with a divider.
This allows for a more readable experience because I created an area of interest for customers. This version also provides an aesthetic presentation because all the information they need is compartmentalized cohesively.
I also aided the reader by enlarging important parts of the descriptions to create areas of interest, while making sure they get all the information they need.
Since PetSmart’s website has a light-hearted feeling to it, I thought it would be a great idea to incorporate artwork that corresponded well with each individual description.
A great landing page is a combination of great product placement, ease of use and a clear call to action. Yes, it’s very important to have an amazing landing page but if your customers don’t know what to do next, then it’s a wasted opportunity. That’s why I made sure to include a ‘Contact Us’ button at the bottom of the page to bridge the gap into a potential transaction.
The About Page
I decided to take another look around on their website and stumbled upon their ‘About’ page. What I noticed was the pattern of information overload. When reading their story, it almost felt as though I was receiving a history lesson.
I believe the best way to connect with your customers is to bridge that gap and be relatable, which is why I decided to redesign the entire webpage. I wanted to keep the pattern consistent throughout my designs. I decided to keep it minimal and modern with a refreshed look.
I went with a circular-shaped portrait of a dog to give it a new-age feel. Their original story was fairly wordy.o I paraphrased the original paragraphs into a more succinct, readable format. I really wanted to make it more relatable by adding an inviting header like “This Is Our Story”.
I also wanted to create a call to action by subtly placing social media widgets at the bottom of the page. This will entice customers to click them and that could eventually lead to a successful transaction.
I also recorded a walkthrough video on my entire process for those of us that are more visual learners.
I Designed Landing Pages For PetSmart
I believe PetSmart is an amazing place that provides pets and their owners with a multitude of services that have aided pet owners with years of insightful resources. PetSmart is obviously a powerhouse in the world and the essence of this presentation was to present improvements to an already amazing system.