3 Reasons Why Every Company Needs To Master Marketing

Roland Arnold Agli
3 min readOct 21, 2020


It’s Your Portfolio

Have you ever been approached by one of those overly pushy mall salesmen, trying to sell you some off-brand cologne? I know I have. I can promise you that their conversion rate is next to non-existent. Do you know why? It’s because no one has an idea why they should buy their product. Selling a product without marketing is like making empty promises.

Where are the high quality promotional videos? The customer reviews? The “love it or your money back” guarantees? You see, the key to a successful marketing strategy is the ability to promise a solution to a problem. A great example of this is Ford, because they are pioneers at marketing. They have successfully managed to build a solid customer base out of working class Americans, with their excellent use of commercials to promote their long line of high-powered pickup trucks.

A successful business strategy is essential to generate strong customer bonds.

It keeps Potential And Old Customers Engaged

In my opinion, one of the best ways to market to current and potential customers is through email marketing campaigns . I know I’m not the only one that gets inundated on the daily by promotional emails from various companies. That is an effective marketing strategy to make sure customers never forget about you.

The initial obstacle of acquiring new customers can be scary but once you get past it, the most important part is keeping them around. Unfortunately, customers don’t owe you loyalty. They can purchase from you today and set their sights somewhere else next. What you can do is create strategies like the one I mentioned above. While you’re at it, why not include some sweet deals in those emails?

Keeping customers engaged is an art, and ironing out a concrete marketing strategy will ensure that they keep coming back.

Your Business Will Grow

Here’s an analogy: Picture two men. One going to the gym 3–5 days a week, and the other going once a week. Who do you think is going to get faster results? You guessed right! The man that goes 3–5 days a week. Do you know why? It’s because he is consistent. Anything you consistently nurture will grow, and that’s the same for any business.

Marketing at regular, normal, and set intervals will have a long-lasting growth effect on your business. The more you’re seen on a daily basis, the more people will share your business with their family and friends. The outcome will reflect through an increase in client base and revenue.

The most successful companies in the world right now have all mastered the art of marketing. Without it, you can expect to close your business just as fast as you open it. Don’t be like that cologne salesman who everyone avoids, due to his lack of marketing skills. As long as you implement at least one of the strategies mentioned above, you will be on the right track to running a great startup business.



Roland Arnold Agli
Roland Arnold Agli

Written by Roland Arnold Agli

My name is Roland Agli, and I’m a 26 year old knowledge-seeking man. I believe in improving myself every single day. I also believe Knowledge is power.

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